Monday, December 5, 2011

Aggression Prevention


Being aggressive may be a good thing in sports, but aggressive behavior is not something we want to encourage in our children. This behavior includes hitting, biting, and screaming are some examples of aggressive behavior we want to control. But how do we do this?! Kids can get a little crazy, right?
The American Academy of Pedriatics posted some great information on preventing and controling aggressive behavior in your children. It says, "the best way to prevent aggressive behavior is to give your child a stabel, secure home life with firm, loving discipline and full-time supervision during the toddler and preschool years." This can be hard to do! We aren't perfect and we will probably never have that perfect situation to be able to raise our children perfectly, but there are little steps we can take to help ourselves and our children be successful!
1. Set Rules
First of all, rules and consequences should be agreed on by everyone who cares for the children. Also, when the rules are broken, the consequence should come immediately so the child knows exactly what they did wrong and why they are being punished. This will help teach them what is wrong and what is right. 
Discipline should continue on an ongoing basis both when the child behaves and misbehaves. Smiles and praise when your child is being good will encourage them to continue their positive and appropriate behaviors. It is very effective to reinforce positive behaviors! Also remember that children do not have much self-control. Children need to be taught how to react in different situations, which leads us to the next step!
2. Teach your Child How to Express Emotions
Teach your child to say “no” in a firm tone of voice, to turn his back, or to find compromises instead of fighting and acting out with his body. Praise him on his appropriate behavior and help explain to him how “grown-up” he is acting whenever he doesn't choose hitting, kicking, or biting as his answer. And always reinforce and praise his behavior when he is demonstrating kindness and gentleness.
Teach your child that setting problems with words will get better results than violence would. Your own behavior and example is also very important and part of the next step!
3. Watch your Own Behavior
One of the best ways to teach your children appropriate behavior is to control your own temper. If you express your anger in quiet, peaceful ways, he probably will follow your example. This doesn’t mean you can’t discipline your child! Discipline is necessary because children need to learn when they are wrong so they can learn to take responsibility for their actions and accept the consequences.

There you have it! Three steps to help prevent aggressive behavior in your children! Do you think these will help? What steps do you take to help control your children when they get angry?

For the whole article, click here.

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