Why the
concern? Often our only benchmark of knowing when children should be able to do
something is by comparing her to the neighbor child! It is natural to be
concerned when the neighbor kid can consistently identify his colors, count to
10, and know his shapes before your child can.
Every child
has amazing skills and abilities that will outshine others. Some children master
their colors before they are two years old! Other children can say most of the
colors with consistent accuracy, but mix up a couple colors. So, when should
your toddler know her colors? The general advice is that children should be
able to name at least one color correctly by the age of three.

We often
think our child will learn by hearing what a color is. We excitedly share,
“look at this red flower” and expect the child to realize that the flower is
red when there are so many additional colors around. For example, the green
stem and grass, the blue sky, mom’s yellow skirt, and other colors of flowers
next to the red one.

There are so
many fun ways to help your child learn her colors! Check
out our Pinterest page for some great teaching activities.
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