
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Attendance Adds Up

One in ten kindergarten and first grade students are chronically absent, meaning they miss 18 or more school days. Missing just a few day each month can quickly add up to a potential problem.

September marks Attendance Awareness Month, a national initiative to promote the important role school attendance plays in a student's academic success. While missing a few days here and there may seem innocent, these instances can develop into habits that can have an effect on your child’s education.

Effects of Chronic Absence

Parents may think that their child will not miss much from taking them out of elementary school. However, chronic absence can have negative effects on a child, especially on their reading ability. In addition, frequent absences do not just effect one child; it can affect the entire classroom if the teacher has to spend time to catch one child up.

Tips to make sure your kids make it to school, and on time.
  1.  Set a regular bed time and morning routine, including preparing backpacks and clothes the night before. This will help take some of the stress away as you try to get out the door in the morning!
  2. Only let him stay home if he is actually sick. Complaints of stomach ache or headache may be a sign of anxiety. Speak with his teacher to determine if he is anxious about something going on at school.
  3. Plan vacations and medical appointments when she is not in school. Be sure to check your school’s calendar to see the full schedule for the school year.
Chronic absenteeism is most common in kindergarten and first grade, which is a crucial time in your child's development and education. When you make school attendance a priority, you are teaching your children to develop good attendance behaviors. 

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