Lizzie Langston is a mom
of two by day, and a singer-songwriter by night. She loves to connect with
other moms via instagram, follow her @lizzielangston In this blog post she
shares her personal experience with Postpartum Depression (PPD) and Postpartum
Anxiety—how they first presented, how she recognized them, got the help she
needed and healed.
Lizzie’s also shares this story
in a video on YouTube. View it here
The creepy thing about postpartum depression
and anxiety is that you can seem completely fine to people who aren't around
your for more than a short conversation. I remember family coming to visit me while
I was in postpartum recovery at the hospital; they left thinking I was doing
great, everything normal. But I was overwhelmingly lost and struck with fear on
the inside. At the time of this photo (about three months after giving birth to
my second child), I was facing paralyzing anxiety regularly. I was still having
panic attacks every 2-3 days (some in the middle of the night--the worst), and
I felt out of control. Panic attacks and regular anxiety were completely new to
me, and the most mind-boggling part was: I did not have a clue why it was
happening. But it was. And it was starting to become an exhausting way to live.
My first panic attack was in my postpartum
room while still at the hospital. A few hours after giving birth to my second
child, Roslyn, I had two panic attacks in this room. Looking back, I can see
what triggered me. But at the time, I was com-plete-ly clueless as to why this
was happening. I felt crazy. I remember the nurse, after wheeling in an oxygen
machine for me (per my request – I felt short of breath, a symptom of anxiety),
kindly began to tell me about her own regular anxiety, and how I would really
feel better if I had some anxiety meds.
Anxiety meds?!! Scary words to me at that
After breathing with some extra oxygen for a
while, and sniffing some lavender essential oil (don’t know if it helped, but
it was comforting. I had brought it from home), I began to calm down somewhat.
I wasn’t able to relax enough to get any sleep (so sad! I was completely
exhausted from labor and the first night of nursing!), so my sweet husband
talked me through some “mindfulness” meditation exercises he had learned a
while back. Those were the only thing that began to really get through to me
and calm me, but it took over an hour of him quietly helping me visualize happy
things and places.
Little did I know, this was only the
After an evaluation by a psychologist and a
nice chat with the hospital social worker (who both deemed me ‘normal’), I was finally
released from the hospital and able to go home. I so ached to be home, surrounded
by familiarity: my children, husband, my own bed. I would finally be able to sleep
without being woken by incoming nurses! I was sure that it was just the
environment and noise at the hospital that had gotten to me, and that once I
got home I would be totally fine.
But back at home and in my own bed, I still
had trouble sleeping. Which was frustrating and confusing, both to my husband
and to me. I was overall nervous – I’d ask him not to close our bedroom door
when he left me alone so I could sleep; he had to mute the TV; I couldn’t even
begin to relax unless I knew the baby was asleep; I would wake at the slightest
sound of her movement… I mean yes I am a light sleeper, but not that light. I
felt on edge. I could recognize how strange my behavior was to some extent, but
it was so natural, it was just what was happening. I didn’t feel I had control
over how worried or uptight I was.

I was pretty embarrassed that I
needed to call some random hotline, but I was so desperate and unable to
control of the anxiety I could feel coming on, that it was the only thing I
could think to do. Anything to not have another panic attack. After a nice
heart-to-heart with a hotline helper named Rob, I was able to finally relax and
There – I had made it through
two panic attacks. In my mind I justified and belittled them both. I thought, “I
only felt panicked at home because the flash of light on the wall, which
triggered the same anxiety I had felt at the hospital.” But I failed to
recognize how anxious I was minute to minute, hour to hour. Anxiety was always
there, right below the surface, bubbling all on its own like a volcano--ready to
burst and take over my calm at any moment.
Luckily for me, time went on pretty normally
after those first few anxiety-packed postpartum days. In hindsight, I was on
enough pain meds from labor that I stayed relatively calm throughout the first
month. Then, about two months after giving birth, my toddler came down with
bronchiolitis, and the newborn (now was 10 weeks old) came down with pneumonia.
For 3 months straight (Jan - March 2016), our
house was the sick house. Roslyn had pneumonia and needed 2x daily breathing
treatments for wheezing; Jensen (my toddler) had bronchiolitis (also needed
2x/day breathing treatments for wheezing); Jensen had a double ear infection
(both ears - so dizzy!); he also experienced a febrile seizure. My husband and
I came down with bronchiolitis; the whole family took turns having pink eye; I
got food poisoning. "When it rains it pours.” Never was the phrase more
true, and it about broke me.
Normally, I would have scheduled little
outings with the kids as soon as we all began feeling better. But my constant
anxiety (which was somewhat called for with two sick babies, but not to this
extent) drove me gradually toward depression. I stayed at home, even when
things were getting easier. I was not happy. *One important detail here: throughout
this time my husband was in his last semester of college for his engineering
degree; he was gone 7am until midnight almost every day. An observant husband can
be a protective factor for preventing PPD. Ideally, the husband would be the
first to help his wife get the medical attention and psychological help that
she needs. But because of his schedule, my husband didn't notice my numbness
and didn't identify my apathy towards my children that started to develop.
Like a frog that boils gradually in warming
water, I became dangerously depressed without even knowing it. My husband noticed I wasn’t happy, and he
voiced that, but I don’t think he realized how bad it was… He wasn't there
during those long days when I would lay listless on the couch, my children running
around me in a blur. I was miles away from the moment in the fuzzy, quiet parts
of my ill mind...All I could get done was the survival stuff: feeding the kids,
changing their diapers, barely feeding myself. The miraculous part through all
this was that I was still able to connect to the music and songwriting part of
me, and I wrote some really impactful songs during that painful and confusing time.
I did recognize that there were
a couple of days I was mostly laying on the couch, and I told my mom about
those. She called me regularly during that time and played a big role in being
the first to get me the help I needed. She doesn’t live nearby currently, but was
praying for me from afar and activated her "friend force". Pretty
soon the local church Relief Society was bringing over dinners. My Visiting
Teachers (church friends assigned to check up on me) were taking my kids in
shifts... It was all miraculously beautiful, the help I was able to get. But I
was so sick, I couldn't even reach out to make that help happen. My mom had to
do it for me.
She lined up short-term help,
which eased my pain somewhat. But how did I eventually get the long-term
medical attention I needed for my PPD and anxiety? Well, it’s quite the story.
I’ll make it quick for you:
In the midst of my sneaky
depression, a cyst burst somewhere in my abdomen. After a long night of abdominal
pain and a fever, I left my kids with a visiting teacher and drove myself to
the ER. An ultrasound confirmed that a cyst had indeed burst, and I was told to
make a follow up appointment with my OB. While I was annoyed at this long chain
of medical events, what I didn't know was that this chain events was going to
be my saving grace. The cyst rupture got me in front of medical professionals
for the first time since really being depressed, and eventually led me back to
my OB’s office, where I was able to meet with a female Physician’s Assistant
and talk about my anxiety from the beginning. I was prescribed an
antidepressant and I have been so much better. Back to my normal self.
I hope that my postpartum story
has taught you one thing: that there is HOPE! That there is LIGHT at the end of
any and EVERY tunnel. Through our Savior Jesus Christ, as well as the help of
medical professionals and modern medicine, we can be healed completely, and
once again have our health and happiness in this life. Many women have (very bravely)
reached out to me privately to share about their own struggles, and have asked
me if they are depressed or not. I am not a medical professional! Don’t be like
me and wait for months until you get help. If you are concerned that you might
have depression or anxiety--whether it is postpartum related or not--go to your
doctor, your OB, or a therapist and talk it out. You might find that what you’re
experiencing is not true PPD or anxiety, but you also might find that your
symptoms are related to PPD! Either way, you will feel better having validated
all that you have been experiencing by sharing it with someone who can help. It
is worth the peace of mind – and it is especially worth your and your husband
and your children’s quality of life. Take care of yourself!
Loved this! Thank you for sharing such a frightening but in the end growing experience.
ReplyDeleteNo problem. Sharing is caring.
DeletePostnatal depression can be started any time in the first year after giving birth. Most of the women feel tearful, a bit down, or anxious. But some of them don't realise that they have postnatal depression, because it can develop gradually.