
Friday, July 29, 2016

3 Ways to Prevent The Summer Slide

Despite its name, the summer slide is not as fun as it sounds.

The “Summer Slide” is a term coined to describe the amount of learning children lose during the summer while not in school. It can be easy for children and families to slip out of the daily reading and math habits they had during the school year. But how much does that effect your child?

According to the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA), in just three months, children can lose up to 2 months of math skills! This academic loss can be even more pronounced in children from low income homes. “Every summer, low-income youth lose two to three months in reading while their higher-income peers make slight gains”, says the NSLA. Throughout their schooling, children who are consistently regressing during each summer can be years behind their peers by just fifth grade.

But there is hope! There are many ways to prevent the summer slide and even make reading and math gains during the break from school!

1. Read every day, no excuses. 

It doesn’t matter if it is a book, cereal box, or signs at the grocery store—just get in the habit of reading with your child or encouraging them to read on their own. Scholastic recommends that by reading just six books during the summer, you can prevent your child’s reading regression. Imagine what could happen if you read with your child every day! 

2. Incorporate math in your daily routine. 

It can be as easy as having your child count every truck you pass while in the car. You could even help your child have a lemonade stand where they are able to practice their counting and currency skills.

3. Make learning fun! 

You do not have to feel like you are taking away the fun of summer break by encouraging learning. There are many engaging educational and cultural experiences like museums, zoos or aquariums, and plays. To find fun summer camps and families activities across Utah, check out our Community Calendars.

Frequently engaging in activities like these allow your children to develop new skills and practice existing ones. By the time the school year rolls around, your child will be ready to pick up where they left off and be prepared to learn even more!

In the comments below, please feel free to share how you help prevent the Summer Slide and provide learning opportunities for your children during the summer break. 

1 comment:

  1. I think this type of activities will gives confidence to these Children Who Need Help. I appreciate those organizations who take initiative and do this work.


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