
Monday, November 26, 2012

Season for Traditions

This is the time of year where family traditions make a really strong appearance! Thanksgiving last week brought some out I'm sure whether it was watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade, watching a lot of football or just eating all the yummy Thanksgiving foods. Now that the holiday season is upon us, it's the time to have some traditions to share with your kids!

Traditions are really great for helping your children develop! It really helps them to understand and be a part of a "family identity" which makes them feel a part of something and can help to make contributions! They can also provide comfort in security when their lives are constantly changing or transitioning. The more involved your kids are in the tradition, the more meaningful it becomes. For example, having them help you make cookies for your neighbors rather than you just making them will help them to appreciate the tradition more!

You probably already have some traditions that you may not have even realized! Like making pancakes every Saturday morning, taking a picture on  the first day of school, or going on a vacation every summer. Having all of these traditions will help you to create memories with your little ones that they'll remember forever!
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So how do you start new traditions? Just try something new! Anything! Then if you like it, you can repeat it and keep doing it. If not, just try something else.

Tradition Ideas:

  • As you decorate for the holidays, make a special treat or watch a holiday movie to help make decorating special.
  • Do some service! Grab an angel off of a local Angel Tree and shop together to buy gifts for other families.
  • Grab some hot chocolate and go look at the holiday decorations together.
  • Make a treat together to share with your neighbors, make it the same one every year!
  • Do something outside like sledding or ice skating. Maybe invite some friends!
  • Read some holiday books together.
  • Get together to have everyone help write a holiday card to send to your loved ones!
  • Volunteer your time to go sing some Christmas carols in a retirement home
  • Take a family picture!

Be Creative! Find some fun traditions that can be unique to your family so that you can create memories that will last and that your kids can always remember and refer back to!
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