
Friday, November 2, 2012

Welcome Baby


Having a new baby can be very overwhelming; it’s a brand new experience with so many new things to learn and figure out, it can be difficult to know where to turn for information and support!   

That is where the Welcome Baby program comes in.   

Our program is a free community service that is dedicated to helping the mothers of Utah County feel confident in this new role.  We have a few different free services available to help meet that goal, including home visits, parenting classes, and playgroups.

Home visits are the main way that we work to help new moms.  We have trained volunteers (mothers, grandmothers, and students with experience in this area) who will come to your home and bring you information about your baby’s health and development.  They can answer any questions you might have and if you have any concerns they can help you find the resources you need in your community.  This is a great resource for information, but it’s also nice just to have someone to talk to about what’s going on with your baby and how you are acclimating to the world of motherhood!  Along with some great information, our home visitors will bring you a free gift to welcome your new baby!  It usually includes a blanket, a cute little onsie, a board book, and a book for you with information on taking care of your baby throughout the first year.

Our Ready to Learn classes are a good way to get information about how your child learns and grows, and what you can do to help them with that process.  We cover topics from temperament and helping your child deal with anger, to the importance of reading and play to your child’s development. It’s also a good place to meet other moms, ask questions, and get a free children’s book and activity every time you attend!  These classes are held the third Wednesday of every month from 12pm to 1pm at the Provo Health Department.

Playgroups are great, especially once your little-one gets a little bigger.  They are a wonderful chance to get both you and your child out of the house for some social interaction.  Come enjoy some fun songs, activities, and crafts!  We currently have playgroups in Springville, Provo, and Eagle Mountain.  For times and locations go here.

Last, but not least, we have a newsletter, a blog, and a facebook page with health and development information, parenting tips, community events, and more!

We don't want any mom in our community to ever feel alone, unsupported or like she doesn't have the information and resources that she needs!  For more information about any of our programs, to contact us, or to sign up for home visits, the newsletter, or our Ready to Learn classes, visit:

Go here find us on facebook:

And here follow our blog:

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